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Woman in Illinois faces DUI charge after accident

On Behalf of | Oct 28, 2014 | Drunk Driving |

There are many different reasons a car accident might happen. A person might be unfamiliar with the traffic patterns. He or she may become distracted by pedestrians or there could be unexpected wildlife in the road. As a result, it is prudent that car accidents are thoroughly investigated in order to determine the actual cause before criminal charges are issued. However, an Illinois woman now faces a DUI charge after a car accident.

The accident happened one Thursday night in October. Very few details of the accident have been released at this time. However, police claim that the 43-year-old woman caused an accident that involved four different cars. One person had to be extricated from a vehicle and was transported to a hospital with what has been reported as minor injuries.  

It is as yet unclear how many people may have been involved in the accident as police have not said how many occupants each vehicle contained. Additionally, it not known why police suspected the woman of being under the influence or what her blood alcohol content was at the time of the accident. In addition to the DUI charge, she was accused of driving too fast.

Due to the risks associated with driving under the influence, it is understandable that police want to charge those suspected of such a crime. However, in order to obtain a conviction, Illinois prosecutors must provide sufficient evidence to prove that someone facing a DUI charge is actually guilty. Making allegations based simply on assumptions can have a serious impact on a person’s life. The woman in this case will likely want to seek guidance from an attorney with experience regarding similar cases to help her pursue the best possible outcome.

Source: CBS Chicago, “Naperville Woman Charged With Drunk Driving In Four-Vehicle Crash“, Oct. 20, 2014


Notable Results

Accusation: Attempt First Degree Murder
Facing: 30 years in prison at 85%
Result: Post-conviction petition granted
Accusation: Solicitation of a Prostitute, Obstructing Justice, Battery
Facing: 30 years in prison at 85%
Result: Post-conviction petition granted
Accusation: Solicitation of a Prostitute, Obstructing Justice, Battery
Facing: 365 days in jail, loss of legal residence
Result: Post-conviction petition granted
Accusation: Solicitation of a Prostitute, Obstructing Justice, Battery
Facing: 365 days in jail, loss of legal residence
Result: All charges but battery dropped, one year expungeable supervision
Accusation: Solicitation of a Prostitute, Obstructing Justice, Battery
Facing: 365 days in jail, loss of legal residence
Result: All charges but battery dropped, one year expungeable supervision
Accusation: Attempt First Degree Murder
Facing: 365 days in jail, loss of legal residence
Result: All charges but battery dropped, one year expungeable supervision
Accusation: Attempt First Degree Murder
Facing: 30 years in prison at 85%
Result: All charges but battery dropped, one year expungeable supervision
Accusation: Attempt First Degree Murder
Facing: 30 years in prison at 85%
Result: Post-conviction petition granted