Police Brutality And Torture: Were You A Victim?
In Chicago, police brutality and torture has a long history. Recent protests have condemned the acts and called the federal Justice Department to investigate claims of torture by Police Commander Jon Burge and other officers under his supervision.
People have been tortured to confess to crimes they did not commit. For example, in 2003, Gov. George Ryan pardoned four death row inmates after the conclusion that they were tortured into admitting they committed murder.
What Constitutes Police Brutality And Torture?
Police brutality can include psychological techniques and planned torture such as:
- Beatings
- Inflicting pain through electrical shocks to the head and other body parts
- Denial of food and water
A Focus On The Problem In Chicago
The problem is so widespread that the Chicago Torture Justice Center, the first of its kind in the United States, was created in 2015 for torture victims of past police brutality and torture. Police tortured more than a hundred African-Americans to confess to crimes they didn’t commit, incriminate their co-defendants and to intimidate possible witnesses. The center seeks to help those victims rehabilitate.
However, if you are a victim, it is in your best interest to seek the advice of an experienced attorney.
File A Lawsuit For Police Brutality And Torture
Are you or a loved one a victim of past Chicago police torture? You may have a case to file a lawsuit for a civil rights violation and be compensated for the injuries, pain and suffering. The Law Office of Stephen L. Richards represents victims and pursues compensation on their behalf. Call our lawyers at 773-467-7079 or send an email for a free case consultation.