Choose Defense Attorneys With Experience To Make The Right Moves

What Constitutes Forgery Charges?

Accusations of forgery may tie into a wide variety of fraud types, including check fraud, Social Security fraud and unemployment fraud. Whether you have been accused of forging checks or signing someone else’s name for Social Security or unemployment checks, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side.

Knowledge Of Handwriting Analysis Theories Needed

Forgery charges are unique in that a handwriting analysis often plays a critical role. How accurate is a handwriting analysis? Does the handwriting analysis truly prove that you forged a check or some other item? At the Law Office of Stephen L. Richards, we understand the relevant precedents. Our record demonstrates our ability to handle these complex cases.

Negotiation Or Trial In Forgery Cases?

If you have not been charged and are only under investigation at this point, we encourage you to contact us immediately. In many cases, we have been able to take steps to prevent charges from being filed against my clients. Even if that is not possible in your case, early intervention will likely put you in a better position when charges are filed. Whether through negotiation or trial, we will do what is needed to defend you and your future. We understand this may all be new to you. It is not new to us, so you can be confident that we can get you through this.

Contact An Illinois Check Fraud Lawyer For A Free Consultation

To schedule your free consultation with one of our attorneys, call us at 773-467-7079 or contact us online.

Notable Results

Accusation: Attempt First Degree Murder
Facing: 30 years in prison at 85%
Result: Post-conviction petition granted
Accusation: Solicitation of a Prostitute, Obstructing Justice, Battery
Facing: 30 years in prison at 85%
Result: Post-conviction petition granted
Accusation: Solicitation of a Prostitute, Obstructing Justice, Battery
Facing: 365 days in jail, loss of legal residence
Result: Post-conviction petition granted
Accusation: Solicitation of a Prostitute, Obstructing Justice, Battery
Facing: 365 days in jail, loss of legal residence
Result: All charges but battery dropped, one year expungeable supervision
Accusation: Solicitation of a Prostitute, Obstructing Justice, Battery
Facing: 365 days in jail, loss of legal residence
Result: All charges but battery dropped, one year expungeable supervision
Accusation: Attempt First Degree Murder
Facing: 365 days in jail, loss of legal residence
Result: All charges but battery dropped, one year expungeable supervision
Accusation: Attempt First Degree Murder
Facing: 30 years in prison at 85%
Result: All charges but battery dropped, one year expungeable supervision
Accusation: Attempt First Degree Murder
Facing: 30 years in prison at 85%
Result: Post-conviction petition granted