Much Is At Stake When Facing Medicare And Medicaid Fraud
Last updated on October 5, 2023
Medical providers under investigation for or charged with Medicare or Medicaid fraud understand that their very careers are at stake. For Medicare or Medicaid recipients accused of fraud, the stakes are just as high. Regardless of the situation, if you have been accused of this complex crime, you know that you must choose a lawyer with experience, skill and knowledge of Medicare and Medicaid processes and procedures. At the Law Office of Stephen L. Richards, you will find that lawyer. Our lead attorney, Stephen L. Richards, has spent more than 35 years building a reputation for resolving the most complicated criminal defense cases.
For a free initial consultation with a Chicago Medicare fraud defense attorney, call 773-467-7079 or reach out to using our confidential online inquiry form.
What Is Medicare And Medicaid Fraud?
Medical offices are often accused of this crime for billing Medicare or Medicaid for services that were not actually provided. Other examples include billing both Medicaid or Medicare and the patient’s private insurance company, scheduling unnecessary office visits or tests, or upcoding.
One of the most common reasons for recipients to be accused of this type of fraud is falsifying the application to receive Medicare or Medicaid when not actually eligible. Other examples include using more than one Medicare or Medicaid card or selling prescriptions or other items obtained through the program.
Successful Medicare And Medicaid Fraud Defense
Having successfully handled cases like these before, our lawyers understand the strict regulations associated with these government programs. We know how easily mistakes can be made. More importantly, we know how to quickly resolve these matters, protecting the careers of doctors and other medical professionals and the future of program recipients. When possible, we strive to prevent charges from being filed or negotiate penalties down to the bare minimum. When needed, we will go to trial to protect your rights.
Contact An Illinois Medicaid Fraud Attorney For A Free Consultation
To schedule your free consultation with an experienced attorney, call us 773-467-7079 or contact us online.