Standing Up To Robbery Allegations
If you have been accused of robbery, the stakes are high. You need an attorney who is willing to work hard to chip away at the case against you, striving to reduce the charges or reduce the sentence and put you in the best position possible. Years in prison are on the line. In armed robbery cases, the minimum is 21 years, and that goes up if there are allegations of injuries to the victim. Our lead defense attorney, Stephen L. Richards, has more than 35 years of experience, and he knows how to attack robbery charges to obtain positive results.
For a free initial consultation with a Chicago robbery defense lawyer, call 773-467-7079 or contact the law firm online.
How Strong Is The Evidence Against You?
On the surface, it may look like the evidence against you is strong. Looks can be deceiving. I know how to pick apart evidence bit by bit, starting with the identification. We are familiar with identification procedures and can quickly spot flaws.
We are also skilled in dealing with DNA and scientific evidence. Is there DNA evidence that supposedly proves you committed the robbery? What if no testing has been done? The absence of DNA evidence may not be a positive thing, depending on the circumstances. We may recommend that DNA testing be conducted in order to prove that you did not commit the robbery. DNA evidence can be effective in the hands of a skilled defense attorney.
The law does not require that statements be recorded in robbery cases. That can be an issue. However, it is an issue that we know how to deal with. A reconstruction of the interrogation may need to be created. This may lead to statements being suppressed if some aspect of the interrogation was handled incorrectly or violated your constitutional rights.
Contact An Illinois Armed Robbery Charge Defense Lawyer For A Free Consultation
To schedule your free consultation with an experienced criminal defense attorney, call 773-467-7079 or complete the online form here.