Choose A Defense Team With The Experience To Make The Right Moves

Your future is on the line.

Award-Winning Legal Representation In Cook County And Northern Illinois Since 1985

Defending Your Freedom And Constitutional Rights

Appeals & Post-Conviction

Criminal Defense

Civil Rights Violations

Murder Defense

Wrongful Conviction

Federal Criminal Defense

A Seasoned Defense When The Stakes Are High

The penalties are steep when you are contending with charges for suspicion of capital murder, federal drug or weapons offenses, securities fraud and other serious charges. If you are looking for a seasoned defense for a murder appeal, post-conviction trial, wrongful conviction, clemency, certificate of innocence and more, you are at the right place.

Attorney Stephen L. Richards has built a well-respected career out of winning tough battles in the courtroom for his clients. He has been leading counsel on more than 150 felony jury trials and over 300 bench trials. He won an oral argument at the Supreme Court in 2011. Now, together with his son, defense attorney Joshua S.M. Richards, the team at the Law Office of Stephen L. Richards provides a power-packed combination to defend clients in the courtroom. Call us when your future liberty is at stake.

Face The Music With Confidence

Chicago’s law enforcement officers have a long history of overstepping their legal boundaries. It may be the 21st century, but wrongful arrests and convictions still happen every day. Intimidation is the name of the game. It is understandable that you might think the prosecutors are on your side if you only cooperate with them. They are not on your side. You have a right to keep silent until you have an attorney by your side. Embrace that right and call the Law Office of Stephen L. Richards any time, night or day. We take strong action for victims of civil rights violations.

Throughout an intense career that has spanned more than 35 years, the energy and efforts of our founding attorney, Stephen L. Richards, have been focused specifically on criminal law in Chicago and northern Illinois. If you are contending with an arrest or investigation for suspicion of a criminal offense, our attorneys will listen to your side of the circumstances. We will help you understand the charges you are facing, clearly explain your legal options and be by your side so you can confidently stand before prosecutors.

Notable Results

An Intelligent Defense Team With Aggressive Strategies

The Law Office of Stephen L. Richards has a well-established reputation for seeking justice and upholding people’s rights.

Meet Our Team

At the Law Office of Stephen L. Richards, the individuals we represent and defend appreciate the listening skills and responsiveness of our attorneys. Our clients depend on the personal contact and clear guidance we provide through all phases of a case. We are available 24/7.

Stephen L. Richards

Stephen L. Richards

Joshua S.M. Richards

Joshua S.M. Richards