We see police lying to suspects on TV all the time to get them to confess to a crime. However, many people don’t realize that in “real life,” law enforcement officers can indeed lie when questioning suspects. The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld that right. Officers may...
Choose Defense Attorneys With Experience To Make The Right Moves
Year: 2022
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When can you challenge evidence as part of a defense strategy?
Facing criminal charges in Illinois is enough to frighten even the bravest individual. The penalties associated with the allegations against you might include incarceration, fines and community service obligations. It is common for prosecutors in Illinois to bring the...
Could drug court help you avoid jail or prison time?
A drug charge in Illinois may have serious consequences, including possible time behind bars and steep fines, among others. However, depending on the type of criminal charge you face and whether you meet other eligibility criteria, you may be able to avoid jail or...