Anyone who has visited a mall at this time of the year likely knows of the chaos that could be encountered. As people across the country shop for holiday gifts, the malls -- and their parking lots -- become more crowded than at any other time of the year. The extra...
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Drunk Driving
Challenge to Illinois law could affect who faces a DUI charge
Most people realize that driving while under the influence could have dangerous consequences. Others will admit that some sort of consequence when a DUI charge can be proven may be just. The Illinois State Bar is now challenging a law that was written a few decades...
Illinois car crash leads to DUI charge
Most any driver has been in an experience where he or she was unsure of which direction to go or the correct path to take. Unsure of an area, a motorist may end up taking a wrong turn, resulting in an embarrassing, potentially dangerous mistake. Unfortunately, one...
Woman in Illinois faces DUI charge after accident
There are many different reasons a car accident might happen. A person might be unfamiliar with the traffic patterns. He or she may become distracted by pedestrians or there could be unexpected wildlife in the road. As a result, it is prudent that car accidents are...
Illinois man facing DUI charge after pedestrian fatality
Any person who has driven after the sun has set knows that a driver's visibility can be significantly reduced at night. If a person were driving on a dimly lit street, it might be difficult to see pedestrians in the roadway. This is especially true if those...
Man faces DUI charge after fatal Illinois car accident
The friendships forged in college are often some of the closest that a person may have. College friends serve as maids of honor, bridesmaids best men and godparents, among other roles. Unfortunately, one young man in Illinois is coping with the loss of two of his...
Illinois teen faces DUI charge after accident
Many people do not realize the many rights that are afforded to us as inhabitants of this country. Of course, most people are aware of the basic rights of freedom of religion and speech, for example, but they could be unaware of the many rights of people suspected or...
Chicago father faces DUI charge after death of son
The loss of a child is every parent's worst nightmare. However, the thought that a person may be involved with the events leading up to the death of their child is even more devastating. A crash in Illinois that took the life of a 4-year-old boy has also resulted in a...
Illinois basketball coach facing DUI charge
There are many people who a person encounters throughout the course of his or her life that has a profound influence on them. When the vast majority of people are asked who had a major impact on their life, they frequently respond with the name of a former teacher or...
Illinois woman faces DUI charge after early morning accident
The effects of a car accident may sometimes be subtle. While cuts and broken bones are easily determined, the emotional and psychological impact of a motor vehicle accident may be more difficult to ascertain. These effects can often create confusion for the victim...