If you are facing accusations of killing another person, you need to be aware of exactly what those charges entail. Homicides and murders are not necessarily the same thing, even if you may have heard those terms used interchangeably in the past. Homicides and murders...
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This is what you should know about murder charges
Murder is among the most serious crimes you could ever commit. That being said, a murder itself is not always unlawful. They can be accidental or even a result of defending yourself against a serious threat. Murder is defined as the unlawful killing of another person...
Chicago murder rate could lead to false charges
You would have to be living under a rock not to realize that there has been a major uptick in shootings and homicides here in Chicago. Just in the first half of the year alone, there were 440 homicides in the city, an increase of 52% from the same time frame the year...
Is there a difference between murder, homicide and manslaughter?
Colloquially, many people interchange the words murder, homicide and manslaughter. In all instances, someone has died. But, is there a legal difference between the three? In fact, the words all mean slightly different things. This post will dive into the nitty gritty...