If you stand accused of a crime, you will want a tight case that works in your favor. Modern technology can provide a framework to help you win.Today, the legal system utilizes a wide variety of technological innovations, and experienced criminal defense...
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Criminal Law
Picking a jury for your Illinois criminal case
If you face state criminal charges, you are likely to feel a loss of control. After all, you may have had to deal with both investigators and prosecutors who have a job to do. Eventually, you may have to put your fate in the hands of a jury of 12 of your...
Why you should reconsider self-representation
If you are facing criminal charges, it may seem daunting to figure out how to handle the case. Finding legal representation is the first and perhaps most critical step to ensuring your case goes forward in the best way possible for you. You may feel temptation to skip...
4 problems with the Chicago PD’s gang database
Critics have slammed the gang member database. How will the Chicago PD respond?The Chicago Inspector General has held several public hearings related to the Chicago Police Department's gang member database, gathering feedback and concerns from critics and civil rights...
Should civilian oversight board have the power to remove police?
When it comes to police department reform, communities are looking for ways to have more power in holding officials accountable. In Chicago, one group wants the community to have the power to fire a superintendent. The Grassroots Alliance for Police Accountability...
3 reasons marijuana is not harmless
As times change and each generation sheds new taboos, some things become socially acceptable that might not have been a few years earlier. This is certainly true of marijuana. Though still illegal in most states, it is a common reference in pop culture and...
What is the difference between theft and robbery?
If you are thinking about taking something that you believe is yours or that does not belong to you from someone else's home or car in Chicago, you could be committing theft or robbery. Both are crimes that can get you time behind bars, a criminal conviction...
3 common pieces of evidence used in murder cases
People die of natural causes every day, but sometimes there is foul play involved and a death turns into a murder case. When police then start searching for a suspect, they will likely base their conclusion on a few key pieces of evidence. Of course, citizens trust...
3 potential defenses against armed robbery charges
Armed robbery is a serious criminal accusation. If you are facing such charges, it is imperative that you understand your legal rights. A conviction will likely make it difficult to find employment or housing, so if you want to restore your life to normalcy, you...
What to do if you are facing criminal charges
Being accused of a crime in Chicago is a serious thing. Whether you are facing charges of drug possession with intent to sell or felonious assault, the steps you take immediately afterward can impact your fate. Because the criminal justice system can be...